As members of a patriotic movement largely founded by American veterans, Modern Whigs are committed to a strong national defense. We believe the United States should act to defend our national interests multilaterally whenever possible, and unilaterally if necessary.


  • Strong alliances with reliable partners who are willing to share the burden in the fight against our common enemies. The nature and faces of the threats to America have changed many times, and will undoubtedly change in the future, which requires flexibility in our foreign and defense policies. Whigs believe we should be a trusted friend to those who wish us well, and an implacable enemy to those who wish us harm.

  • A constructive foreign policy based on our natural principles of freedom and self-determination. Whigs recognize the diversity and complexity of the world around us, and understand the need for a constantly evolving defense and diplomatic strategy. The first priority of our government is the defense of the nation; no expense and no effort should be spared in guaranteeing our security. 

  • Adequate compensation for active duty service members, and access to the highest quality care and services through a well-funded Veterans Administration for those who have served. Adequate pay, pensions and support for both our active duty military personnel and our veterans is a matter of our national honor. 
