The United States is, and has always been, a country of immigrants. Whigs believe it always should be. But we think all Americans should also understand the dual responsibility of securing our borders while also dealing realistically with those undocumented immigrants already in the country. 

Presidents as diverse as Ronald Reagan and Barack Obama have recognized the need to deal compassionately and humanely with our population of undocumented immigrants, and we agree: harsh treatment may satisfy some of our less honorable impulses, but in the end it will do little other than satisfy the anger some feel toward those who have crossed our borders to remain in our country without authorization.


  • A program offering undocumented immigrants the opportunity for citizenship if they join the military and serve out their initial contractual term honorably. Undocumented immigrants would not be entitled to jobs requiring security clearances, but would be eligible for the G.I. Bill, Tricare and all other benefits afforded to U.S. service members who serve honorably.

  • Comprehensive reform of our immigration process to attract those whose skills, education and entrepreneurial spirit will enable them to become productive contributors to the knowledge-based economy of tomorrow. As our population ages it is crucial to augment the natural growth of our population with additional taxpayers who are willing to emigrate to the United States and become productive, patriotic naturalized Americans.

  • English as a Second Language (ESL) classes for all who need them. Assimilation is a key element of our melting pot. While all of us should appreciate the various cultures making up the vast, diverse fabric of our national life, we believe all Americans should ultimately share a common language.


The Modern Whig Institute is a 501(c)(3) civic research and education foundation dedicated to the fundamental American principles of representative government, ordered liberty, capitalism, due process and the rule of law.


